Friday, May 15, 2020

Divorce Affects On Children s Education - 2609 Words

Divorce Affects On Children Education has a major role in our society, everything revolves around knowledge and without proper knowledge a person cannot always exceed. Parents don’t realize all of the strain they put on their child’s education when they file for a divorce. According to Jessica Clair, a marriage, family, and child counselor, â€Å"Statistics have shown that children who are exposed to a divorce are more likely to repeat a grade and are five times more likely to be expelled or suspended from school. Fifteen percent of children living with their mother, without contact from their father, will be booted out of school. Thirteen percent drop out of school and sixty percent will not match the educational achievements of their†¦show more content†¦These statistics shows that not having two prominent parents in the child’s household can affect them thought-out high school. Students with divorced parents often have to miss school to visit the parent farther away. This puts a major obstacle in the student’s schoolwork and having to learn material not always taught to them. Due to having two houses, this may cause the student to leave books and homework behind. This puts major stress on the child to become incredibly organized and constantly struggling to remember where they placed their belongings. By having two households, it begins to create a problem of losing homework and books within the homes. However, parents need to be involved with their children’s education to understand what support is needed. When a child is struggling, parents need to make sure they receive extra help and that both parent are involved with the teacher. While a rough divorce is going on in a child’s life, their education can be controlled if both parents work together and handle the situation. Having a relationship can be very hard for a child who has witnessed the hatred between their parents. They learn to not trust anyone, simply because they don’t believe that they will stay with them forever. Children with divorced parents have witnessed their parent leave their lives because they are no longer happy with

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