Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Lovable Mrs. Bennet of Pride and Prejudice Essay

The Lovable Mrs. Bennet of Pride and Prejudice The general impression of Austens novels, which critic D. W. Harding says relieved him of any desire to read them, is that they offer readers a humorous refuge from an uncertain world. In his article Regulated Hatred: An Aspect in the Work of Jane Austen, Harding claims that this impression is misleading and that Jane Austen is actually very critical of her society, covertly expressing downright hatred for certain members of it by means of caricature. Mrs. Bennet, from Austens Pride and Prejudice, is one of these comic monster[s]. Harding claims that in order to view Mrs. Bennet as anything other than utterly detested by Austen one must ignore this Austens†¦show more content†¦Bennet for the failures of her marriage. But if we view the beginning of her marriage in Mrs. Bennets terms, Mr. Bennet turns out to be as disappointing a husband as she is a wife. Unlike her husband, Mrs. Bennet was not looking for strong understanding or a liberal mind in her partne r. She was looking for affection and financial security; she has been denied both. Mr. Bennet has chosen to withdraw his affection (Mrs. Bennet likely does not understand his reasons) and, the family lacking sons and his estate being entailed to the nearest male relative, he cannot promise his wife permanent security. Mrs. Bennet is not one to hold back her feelings. Mr. Bennet even makes sport of her ever-present nerves: They are my old friends. I have heard you mention them with consideration these twenty years at least (4). Yet, Mrs. Bennets society pressures women to be emotionally effusive. It is self-control that almost costs daughter Jane Bennet her marriage. While Jane remains unsure of her feelings for Bingley, she holds back-as yet, she cannot even be certain of the degree of her own regard, nor of its reasonableness (15). Elizabeth applauds this honesty, but her friend Charlotte warns her that Janes complacent behavior might cause her to lose Bingley: in nine cases out of ten, a woman ought to shew more affection than she feels (15). Darcy also assumes that women express their feelings fervently andShow MoreRelatedCharacter Analysis of Pride and Prejudice Essay763 Words   |  4 PagesPride and Prejudice The characters and general setting in Jane Austens; Pride and Prejudice, portray life in the rural society of the day. Austen is very clear in setting up the social classes of the characters and immediately portrays why the book is titled Pride and Prejudice. Though the more specific example of Pride and Prejudice is that of Elizabeth and Darcy, and how they first view each other. There initial feelings towards one another set the plot of the novel. It is this constant

Friday, December 20, 2019

Peer Pressure In Adolescents Drugs, Alcohol, And Sex.

Peer Pressure in Adolescents: Drugs, Alcohol, and Sex â€Å"A feeling that one must do the same things as other people of one s age and social group in order to be liked or respected by them†1. That is how the Merriam-Webster dictionary defines peer pressure. It seems simple right? Well it is much more than that. Peer pressure is much more complicated than just needing to be liked. It is all about finding out who you are and where you fit in in society. It can have a much bigger impact on the lives of adolescents than most adults realize. According to the University of Rochester, Medical Center â€Å"the rational part of a teen’s brain isn’t fully developed and won’t be until age 25†2. Teens think and react using the amygdala, or the emotional part†¦show more content†¦Those tended to be the kids you had to look out for. Peer Pressure in Adolescents: Alcohol The National Household Survey on Drug Use and Health states that 74.3% of high school students have tried alcohol.3 Despite my â€Å"no drugs† rule I was not against alcohol. My thought process as a 16 year old was that alcohol wasn’t illegal for everyone but drugs was illegal for everyone, therefor alcohol should be fine. It really was not anything that I needed much pressure to try. My parents were not big drinkers but they always said that it was fine to drink in moderation, so that was what I did. Of course they did not mean that as an okay for their 16 year old daughter to drink I took that tidbit of wisdom and applied it to my social habits. As long as I had a drink in my hand no one really bothered me about how much I had drank so I could usually sip on the same bottle all night long, this helped me to not stand out as much. Peer Pressure in Adolescents: Sex According to the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance in 2013 47% of high school students reported having sexual intercourse, 5.6% of teens reported having had sexual intercourse before they are 13 years old.4 That a surprisingly small number compared to the stigma that comes with sex. Most teens, myself included, believe that everyone is having sex by high school. This adds to the peer pressure putShow MoreRelatedShould I Drink This Beer? Essay1650 Words   |  7 Pagestypical questions that adolescents face during their middle school and high school years. Peer pressure can change the answer to those three simple question in both a negative or positive way. Peer pressure is when a group of your peers is trying to influence you to do something in either a good or bad way. Peer pressure can be shown in many different types of situations such as when drugs and alcohol come into an adolescent s life, worrying about their body image, and teenage sex, as well as dealingRead MoreA Brief Note On Peer Pressure Among Adolescents1527 Words   |  7 PagesTitle: Social Pressure in Those Who Are Different Peer pressure is exerted on an individual or individuals by their peer to conform to expected norms. The peer pressure philosophically can split into two groups Direct and Indirect. Direct implies the peer pressure influence can be either physically or verbally communicative such as asking to participate in an activity which is illegal. Indirect specify it is discrete, including more emotional and mental pressures; such as putting the individualRead MoreHow Peer Pressure Is An Act That Should Not Be Taken Lightly Because Essay1734 Words   |  7 PagesFitting in with the Ultimate Sacrifice Peer pressure is an act that should not be taken lightly because it can lead to many bad decision making and psychological damage. Bullying, alcohol-drug abuse, sex, and the desire to fit in are a few leading factors of peer pressure. As one begins elementary or high school, they are trying to figure out their individuality and form into their mold of themselves. Dealing with peer pressure as a young child or teenager opens the door to stress, anxiety, or evenRead MorePeer Pressure During Adolescence3548 Words   |  15 PagesPeer Pressure during adolescence Tyrone Taiwo PSYC4020 6.00D Seminar in Social Psychology April 6, 2011 Noreen Stuckless Peer Pressure during Adolescence This paper will discuss aspects of peer pressure during adolescence. Peer pressure is defined as the social influence that others have on an individual, in this case adolescents. The pressure is applied in order to get an individual to believe or act in a certain way. The form of peer pressure is acted out by ones peer group against otherRead MoreSocial Acceptance And Its Impact On Adolescence945 Words   |  4 Pagespeople. (Wikipedia) It is human nature to want to fit in, to be accepted by our peers. In early adolescence children start to develop the feeling of belonging. Adolescence is a transition period of late childhood and adulthood, they are beginning the maturing process, and their sexuality, physical development and finding where they fit in can be quite a challenge. Social acceptance, and the relationship with peers, family and society become complexed. Social acceptance in teens can have a positiveRead MoreMiddle Childhood and Adolescence Essay1047 Words   |  5 PagesMiddle Childhood and Adolescence Development Changes in Peer Relationships in Middle Childhood and Adolescence Statistics say that in the stages in middle adolescence 30% of the child’s social life and interactions there are a great stage of peer pressure. These results were compared to the 10% that is experienced during the early childhood. They show that they are competent by demonstrating their behaviors in these peer groups. During the elementary years in school, children haveRead MoreEssay on Adolescent Substance Abuse1656 Words   |  7 PagesSubstance Abuse Adolescent Substance Abuse Dana Sweitzer Liberty University Abstract Adolescent substance abuse is a major problem in society. There are many risk factors that can contribute to adolescent substance abuse. One of the main risk factors is peer pressure. When adolescents start at a young age there is an increase in health problems, addiction, and over all poor social outcomes. Parental influence has substantial effect on adolescents because the adolescent sees their parentsRead More Negative Peer Pressure Essay1511 Words   |  7 Pages This is usually the typical outcome of a scene like this. It is called peer pressure. It can be disguised in many different forms. In this essay I am going to look at different ways in which teenagers can be influenced by peer pressure. Many teenagers experiment with cigarettes, drugs or alcohol. It is likely that they take their first cigarette, drink or drug because of pressure from peers or friends. The influence of friends who smoke is the main reason teenagersRead MorePeer Pressure As A Teenager957 Words   |  4 PagesWhat Peer Pressure Can Do To Teenagers Dealing with peer pressure as a teenager can be stressful since you want to be accepted but it might lead you to do negative things you feel uncomfortable with. Peer pressure is the influence of those similar to you, such as classmates or friends, that encourages you to change your behavior or values to meet theirs. This is a problem for teenagers since at their age, they are becoming more independent from their parents which can expose them to drugs, alcoholRead MoreYouth Addiction Alcohol : Causes And Concerns1544 Words   |  7 PagesYouth Addiction to Alcohol – Causes and Concerns Instruction In today’s society, alcohol use and heavy drinking is very common among young adults and adolescence. Since the end of the 20th century, more and more of the younger populations have started participating in alcohol consumption. Unlike in the early 1900’s when alcohol was heavily regulated – alcohol was even banned in the United States from 1919 – 1933 due to prohibition – it is now normal for anyone above the legal drinking age to walk

Thursday, December 12, 2019

How to Challenge Discrimination in a Way That Encourages Change free essay sample

Sometimes there are children who will tease others for being different. They may be too young to understand how much of an impact their words or actions will make on another, but no child says or does anything considered mean without knowing that it will cause a negative reaction from another who wears glasses or is fatter, taller or smaller than them. It isnt just teasing, it needs addressing, it needs changing. It is not just â€Å"merely teasing† and immediate intervention is necessary. The child must be made to be aware that their words and actions are unkind and unfair. When disciplining the child it might be a good idea to make it personal and say, â€Å"how would you feel if child X called you that? What do you think you might be feeling right now? † This causes the child to pause and think about the consequences of their words and actions. We will write a custom essay sample on How to Challenge Discrimination in a Way That Encourages Change or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page If necessary, correct the child. If a child refers to an Indian child for example, as a â€Å"Paki† because it is seen as an acceptable word in their household, you could say â€Å"actually, child X is an Indian, and please do not use the word â€Å"Paki† it is not a nice word to use, do you understand? † When challenging an adult who has discriminated against another group of society requires a slightly different approach. Time and place is paramount. It is unlikely to be appropriate to speak in front of children, however if the comment was made in front of children then you need to act quickly and show to be firm but polite and calm with regards to the adults intolerance and that their behaviour or comments were offensive. As with children, you could correct the adult and give them the right information as so they do not cause offence in the future with such comments. Should a person be directly affected by the offensive words and/or actions then you should offer them support and inform them of how you intend to do something about it as so it should not ever happen again.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Morals in Macbeth free essay sample

Macbeth (1606) is a morality play that warns its audiences, past and present, about the destruction that follows when ambition goes beyond moral constraints. To fully understand the extent to which Macbeth is a morality play, it is essential to give consideration to the context of the time during which the playwright penned the drama. Theatre was a major social event that not only brought society together but also taught the audience, regardless of their social class, how to behave in order for society to maintain its moral order. Shakespeare used the beliefs and current events of Renaissance England; the existence of witches, the Divine Right of Kings, a political and religious doctrine of royal and political legitimacy, and The Gowrie Conspiracy and The Gunpowder Plot regicide attempts; to warn the audience of the psychological turmoil associated with allowing oneself to be lured into immoral acts. Equally important in determining the moral integrity of Macbeth is establishing what defines a morality play. Morality plays were a form of medieval drama that flourished in Europe during the 16th century and the early 17th century, when Macbeth was performed. Moral plays were dramatised allegories, where characters were personifications of different qualities or vices and justice was served at the end of the play. Through the use of dramatic conventions, language and structural devices and the close examination of Macbeth’s psychological deterioration in the play, Shakespeare exemplifies to Jacobean audiences the penalties of immoral crimes. To build on this, the playwright reminds his contemporary audiences about the unpredictable nature of witches and the supernatural and the dire consequences of involving yourself with them. Furthermore, the drama highlights the negative repercussions of regicide and an illegitimate leader’s rule of a country, through Macbeth’s usurping of the Scottish crown and the resulting degeneration of the Scottish kingdom. Shakespeare’s play Macbeth fulfils all the characteristics of morality plays from the early 17th century and its status as a notable morality play has been heightened by how Shakespeare’s highly progressive and provocative messages about life and moral values are still relevant to contemporary audiences over 500 years later and thus, the play can be considered one of the greatest morality tales ever written. Shakespeare proposes that immoral actions we commit to achieve our ambitions and desires won’t result in success and happiness but, rather, will cause disastrous consequences. This notion occurs frequently throughout the play, with the first example arising very early in Scene 2 of Act One. The Thane of Cawdor, the ‘most disloyal traitor’ (1, 2, 59) Macdonwald, has joined the Norwegian forces fighting against Scotland. After committing this act of treason, the Thane of Cawdor is executed and his titles are given to Macbeth in recognition of his heroic efforts. The fact that Macbeth receives the traitor’s honours foreshadows that the new Thane of Cawdor, Macbeth, will follow the same fate and betray the King. Shakespeare wanted his audiences to become more morally-informed people so by placing this scene at the beginning of the play, the Bard immediately establishes that murder and treachery, above all against the King, are morally corrupt and will only cause dire consequences for the perpetrator. After encountering the three Weird Sisters in the following scene, who prophecise that he will become King of Scotland, Macbeth resolves that ‘chance may crown me/Without my stir’ (1, 3, 157-158). However, he allows his ‘dearest love’ (1, 5, 63) to manipulate him into taking King Duncan’s life. Moreover, Shakespeare shows his contemporary audience the eternal effects of committing murder when Macbeth speaks to an imaginary Duncan, warning him not to hear the bell for ‘it is a knell/That summons thee to heaven or to hell’ (2, 1, 71-72). Shakespeare employs the technique of apostrophe here as Macbeth addresses the absent Duncan as if he were present. During this speech, Macbeth realises that his actions will damn him and he will go to hell and the use of the rhyming couplet adds a sense of finality, accentuating that the deed is irreversible. Shakespeare’s mentioning of the eternal damnation of Macbeth as a result of committing regicide would have heightened the Jacobean audiences’ adherence to the play’s morals. The playwright gives full access to Macbeth’s tortured mind as he descends into madness. In the scene succeeding the murder, Macbeth recalls the deed in a frenzied state and claims that he heard a voice say, ‘Sleep no more! /Macbeth does murder sleep’ (2, 2, 43-44). The word ‘sleep’ is then mentioned six more times in the space of eight lines as Shakespeare stresses that Macbeth is no longer innocent and so cannot sleep. His dispatching of Duncan has literally murdered any chance of easy sleep for Macbeth, due to the immense guilt that he will suffer. Even after Macbeth is crowned as King, Lady Macbeth admits that ‘Nought’s had, all’s spent,/Where our desire is got without content. ’ Lady Macbeth and her husband have exhausted all their resources and achieved everything they wanted, but still are not satisfied. Shakespeare uses this rhyming couplet to underscore that no personal peace or contentment can be achieved by killing another. Lady Macbeth then goes as far as to say that ‘’Tis safer to be that which we destroy/Than by destruction dwell in doubtful joy’ (3, 2, 8-9). In other words, it’s better to be dead than tormented by guilt because you have killed someone. Macbeth enters and expresses the full extent of his anxious and guilty conscience when he confesses that, ‘O, full of scorpions is my mind, dear wife! ’ (3, 4, 42). This torturous metaphor highlights the distress that seems to be burrowing further and further into the depths of Macbeth’s mind. The audience cannot help but empathise with Macbeth and his struggle with his issues of conscience, whilst still recognising that he is governed by some semblance of right and wrong, despite the poor choices he has made. Equally important in demonstrating the deterioration associated with committing immoral deeds is the rapid demise of Lady Macbeth following Duncan’s death. After Duncan’s assassination, Lady Macbeth is the one who takes control and attempts to calm Macbeth with her misguided philosophy that ‘A little water clears us of this deed. How easy is it then! (2, 2, 80-81). However, this lack of remorse soon fades and as Macbeth isolates himself with his newly attained Kingship, Lady Macbeth becomes overrun with guilt. A doctor is summoned by Lady Macbeth’s attendant to observe her nightly ritual and he describes her sleep-walking as ‘A great perturbation in nature, to receive at once the/benefit of sleep and do the effects of watching! ’ (5, 1, 8-9), highlighting the unnaturalness of Lady Macbeth’s actions. She then tries to remove imaginary blood from her hands, evidence of her role in Duncan’s death. The doctor concludes that ‘Unnatural deeds/Do breed unnatural troubles’ (5, 1, 63-64). Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s appalling immoral crimes can be seen as unnatural deeds which bring about numerous disastrous consequences, both for them and in the natural world. Through the repetition of the word ‘unnatural,’ the playwright directly reinforces to audiences, then and now, the immorality of Duncan’s assassination and murder as a whole and the inherent suffering associated with committing immoral deeds. In the end, suicide seems like the only option for Lady Macbeth to escape the trap he has caused for herself through her deplorable actions. The inclusion of a main female character by Shakespeare is very effective as it adds an element of universality to the play’s morals; without the downfall of an ambitious female character, the messages of the drama, would not, arguably, be as applicable to female audience members. The playwright uses the decline of Macbeth and his wife, two of the central characters in the play, following their regicide to repeatedly warn his contemporary and future audiences about the dangers of committing immoral deeds and their devastating consequences. To build on the idea that unnatural deeds breed unnatural troubles, Shakespeare presents witchcraft and the supernatural as dangerous forces and highlights that involving yourself with them will only lead to your downfall. The role of the witches in Macbeth’s decline should not be underestimated. Although the Weyward Sisters do not directly advise Macbeth to commit regicide, they tempt him into the deed with their prophecies, which promise that he ‘shalt be King hereafter! ’ (1, 3, 53). By planting this seed in Macbeth’s mind, the Weird Sisters effectively guide him onto the path to his own destruction. Shakespeare relates witchcraft to the devil, as many Jacobean people believed that the devil followed this same pattern of temptation, and thus accentuates the extent of their evil intentions. The plotting of Macbeth’s downfall by the supernatural forces is stressed in Scene 5 of Act Three when Hecate, the goddess of witchcraft, reprimands the three witches for approaching Macbeth without her. Hecate plans to destroy Macbeth by filling him with over confidence and using apparitions to ‘draw him onto his confusion’ (3, 5, 29). Just two scenes later, Macbeth visits the Weird Sisters, who are chanting the line, ‘Double, double toil and trouble. Shakespeare stresses the witches’ intent: to cause trouble for all the mortals around them. The Wayward Sisters succeed in confusing Macbeth in their equivocations; to ‘Beware the Thane of Fife’ (4, 1, 79) but then that ‘none of woman born/Shall harm Macbeth’ (4, 1, 88-89) and ‘Macbeth shall never vanquished be, until/Great Birnam Wood to high Dunsinane Hill/Shall come against him’ (4, 1, 101-103). These half-truths that seemingly promise success for Macbeth cause him to become arrogant and complacent in his role as King, which essentially leads to his downfall. Throughout the play, it is evident that Macbeth’s good conscience fights a losing battle against the evil spirits for control of his soul, one of the characteristics of 17th century morality plays. Macbeth becomes so confused about what is moral and immoral that he succumbs to the pressures of his wife and his own ambition and Shakespeare suggests that this moral confusion stems from the witches’ toxic influence, emphasising the unnatural consequences associated with involving yourself in witchcraft and the supernatural. In addition, Shakespeare dramatises the complex nature of Kingship through the disparities between the rule of King Duncan and Macbeth to reinforce that the wellbeing of a nation is dependent on the moral compass of its leader. During the medieval and Renaissance periods, it was believed that the health of a country depended on the goodness and moral legitimacy of its leader: political order led to natural order. King Duncan is always referred to as a great King: he is generous, benevolent and humble and as a result, Scotland flourishes under his rule. Shakespeare highlights Duncan’s generosity and good nature when he promises to all his ‘Sons, kinsmen, thanes’ (1, 4, 42) that ‘signs of nobleness, like stars, shall shine/On all deservers’ (1, 4, 48-49). Macbeth is already plotting to overthrow the King at this point and only a few lines later, he speaks to himself the telling words, ‘Stars! Hide your fires! /Let not light see my black and deep desires’ (1, 4, 58-59). On the literal level, Shakespeare juxtaposes the good-hearted personality and morals of Duncan with the ruthlessness of Macbeth and metaphorically, the playwright associates King Duncan with light, goodness and above all, transparency in his rule. Macbeth, in contrast, craves darkness to hide his sinister thoughts and actions, foreshadowing his corrupt reign. Shakespeare’s characterisation of Duncan as being well-respected by his people and treating all of his royal subjects so well heightens the enormity and tragedy of his murder. Duncan is honoured and loved so his assassination is unnatural and this unnaturalness is reinforced by the chaos in the natural world that results. ‘Chimneys were blown down’ (2, 3, 52), ‘lamentings heard in the air/Strange screams of death’ (2, 3, 53-54), ‘the earth was feverous/And did shake’ (2, 3, 59-60) and ‘Duncan’s horses’ (2, 4, 16) did ‘eat each other’ (2, 4, 22). Even Macbeth admits that the dead King’s ‘gashed stabs looked like a breach in nature’ (2, 3, 121), reinforcing the connection between the political order and natural order. Shakespeare uses Duncan’s death and the resulting chaos to propose the occurrences and damage to the order of the English royal Kingdom that would occur if King James I was killed, who was widely considered a great King. On the other hand, Macbeth is so ruthless and violent in his role as King of Scotland that by the end, ‘Those he commands move only in command,/Nothing in love’ (5, 2, 22-23). Shakespeare uses the idea of Karma, that all of your actions will have equal repercussions, to highlight that leaders who are ruthless and treat their people and country badly will suffer the terrible consequence of being hated and eventually betrayed. Macbeth is constantly referred to as a tyrant and his death is not seen as unnatural but is celebrated. At the end of the play, after Macduff slays Macbeth, ‘The usurper’s cursed head’ (5, 8, 66) is removed and held high in triumph. This notion that Macbeth is cursed relates back to his thoughts being greatly influenced by the witches and their role in his downfall. At the conclusion of the play, the audience sees the torment and emptiness of Macbeth’s life and turns with relief to the justice and order re-established by Malcolm, the rightful heir to the throne. The differences in the reign of Duncan and Macbeth and the effects both rulers have on the political and natural world stress the importance of moral leadership for a nation and society to thrive. In conclusion, Macbeth is to a great extent a morality tale, with Macbeth allegorically representing the vice of ambitious greed, a constant fight between good and evil and justice being served at the play’s conclusion with the rightful heir, Malcolm, being restored to the Scottish Kingdom. Furthermore, Macbeth’s classification as a noteworthy morality drama has been intensified by how its timeless and universal lessons about the importance of being a loyal and moral citizen are still valid in the 21st century. Shakespeare underscores for his audiences that immoral crimes will always have negative repercussions, supernatural forces are dangerous and cannot be trusted and the political and social wellbeing of a country relies on the morality of its leader. I believe that Macbeth is one of the best morality plays ever written, which is verified by how relevant its messages still are today. We continue to see modern leadership being morally corrupted by excessive hunger for power; business men and woman, politicians, religious leaders and sports people. Macbeth, the morality play, continues to challenge its audiences to consider whether our morality, both personally and as a whole society, has evolved since Shakespeare penned the drama five centuries ago.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Impact Of FIRST Robotics Program Essays - , Term Papers

Impact of FIRST Robotics Program Carnegie Mellon It was just the second week of school, and I had mustered up all my courage to venture to the nether regions of our school known as the basement to attend the first meeting of the newly forming FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) robotics team. When I walked into room one, the newly proclaimed FIRST headquarters, I looked around with apprehension, and I noticed that I did not recognize a single face in the room. Nervously, I took a seat, and Mr. Mothersele, the advisor for the program began describing the program. FIRST is a national engineering competition in which partnerships are formed between local businesses and high schools to design and build a robot-like machine from identical kits of parts supplied by FIRST. The team has about six weeks to build the machine which must be able to compete in a timed sporting event. As soon as I saw the video of the students working and competing with the robots, I was hooked. The program seemed tailored to my int erest in math in science and to my competitive spirit. I couldn't resist the opportunity. As a shy and relatively inexperienced freshman, I signed up for the program as the only underclassmen on the team of ten students. I bumbled along, learning about design and how to use the machines. I made my full share of mistakes and then some, but by the end of the program, I was gaining some real experience. Although our robot did not fare very well in the competition our first year, my learning process was underway, and I knew that I had found my place. The second year of the competition, I was only one of two returning students. I took an active role in recruiting new students, and our membership doubled. It was a complete role reversal for me because all of a sudden I was the experienced team member. We finished fifth out of forty teams at the regional competition, and at the national tournament, we placed in the top third. This past year, was the golden year of my FIRST career. In September, I was voted team captain. It was my job to ensure that our team was well organized and that we stayed on task. Our team advanced to the semifinals, where we lost to the eventual National Champion. We finished fourth overall, and it was an incredible success story. Over the summer, I continued to work at school with our instructor to plan for the upcoming year. Next year, I will be team captain again, and we are prepared to continue our success. I have come a long way from the timid freshman who nervously stepped into the FIRST room. As a result of my FIRST experience, I feel comfortable presenting my ideas clearly and convincingly to a large diverse audience. I have grown confidence in my own resourcefulness and problem solving ability. FIRST has taught me to trust my judgment in critical situations. Working with a diverse group of people having a variety of skills strengthened my team working abilities. To be successful, our team had to consider everyone's ideas to produce a winning strategy. During the first two years, I gained the experience and skills necessary to assume the leadership position of team captain. As team captain, I set group goals and formulated strategies to achieve these goals. As a result of this experience I can work effectively on significant long range projects with highly focused goals. I can both work constructively as a team member and provide leadership among my peers. I developed my ability to communicate and coordinate my ideas in the corporate environment. The skills that I have gained are those needed to work in an entrepreneurial business environment which I have selected as my career objective.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Future of Matrimony †Sociology Research Paper

The Future of Matrimony – Sociology Research Paper Free Online Research Papers The Future of Matrimony Sociology Research Paper â€Å"†¦to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish till death do us part’†¦.† Wedding bells are ringing. The big day is finally here. As the soon-to-be husband and wife, bound together by love, prepare to walk down the aisle, they truly believe that this would be their first and only wedding. The two couples are bounded together by love, hope, expectations, and dreams that inspire almost all marriages. Lovers that enter marriage envision dreams of what their new life will bring them. The thought of marriage not working, never crossed their mind. They both believed marriage would be â€Å"till death do us part† and that their significant other will be there for one another through thick and thin. Unfortunately, for many young lovers who got married early, this does not hold true. Back in the 1950s, women had no choice but to marry. Women were forced to wed in order to achieve some form of economic stability – while simultaneously embarking on a lifetime of subservient bondage. Because women were viewed as inferior to men, they were to always remain at home. A woman’s main function was to produce offspring and manage household chores while their husbands tended to public affairs. This made marriage not so different from slavery and prostitution. In those days, wives were expected to be subservient to their husbands, leaving little room for romance and love to develop, even simple acts of affection was not necessary. Instead, the husbands would turn to prostitutes and concubines to satisfy their sexual needs, while the sole purpose of having sex at home was to just produce babies. Men wanted to create a legacy. At its most fundamental level, marriage was created for the purpose of raising children. Today, many of these pragmatic motivation s no longer apply. A man no longer expects a wife to devote herself full-time to his care and upkeep, and a woman no longer needs a man to pay her way. By the twentieth century, when capitalism firmly took hold and people no longer had to marry to secure their financial future, marriage changed. Divorce rates largely rose alongside the rise of capitalism, as growth and opportunity gave individuals the ability to survive financially outside the household economy. By 1924, one in seven marriages ended in a divorce. Divorce, something that was once unheard of, was now hailed as fresh alternative for the troubled women who were financially dependent and trapped. For battered women, and for the loveless couples, divorce was considered to be a healthy, rejuvenating response to marriages that were often viewed as â€Å"sick, lifeless or dead.† Divorce was believed to set them free, and finally make them happy again. It was â€Å"okay† to divorce, to be free, to listen to your heart and do what you need to for the sake of your own personal happiness because you deserve it. With the widespread introduction of the Pill, the sexual revolution, the feminist movements, plus the freedoms celebrated by the â€Å"Me Generation†, it demonstrated to women in their twenties that they did not have to marry, that is, marriage was unnecessary for a life of a happiness. Although the average age of women entering marriage has not significantly changed over the past one hundred years, what have changed though, are the attitudes surrounding marriage. In 1890 women had few options, they were forced to enter into marriage in their twenties, but today, with the benefits formed by the women’s movement and with the economy advancing, women now not only have the choice to marry but also not to nonetheless. Modern day women now have the freedom to want whatever it is they choose to want because it is their God-given right as opposed to being forced. For both sexes even, men and women today marry because they can and want – not because they must. A 1977 New York magazine â€Å"Early to Wed,† explains why young women and men today overwhelmingly believe in marriage and in marrying relatively young. One popular theory suggested that we are witnessing a search for stability in an era of instability (Sarah Bernard, â€Å"Early to Wed,† New York, 16 June 1997, P.38). â€Å"In the United States, the twenties are the picture-perfect decade for saying I do. The farther you stray from that magic era, the more freakish you start to feel. An article in a 1998 issue of the Journal of Family Issues confirms that being unmarried in your thirties can be bad for you state of mind because you feel like an outcast.†(Megan Fitzmorris McCafferty, â€Å"When Should You Marry,† Cosmopolitan, August 1999, p.238) But the younger you marry, the more likely you are to divorce. People are getting divorced as quickly as they are getting married. A 2001 survey by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that one in five first-marriage divorces occur within the first five years (Matthew D. Bramlett and William D. Mosher, â€Å"First Marriage Dissolution, Divorce and Remarriage: United States,† advance data, 31 May 2001, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). Research Papers on The Future of Matrimony - Sociology Research PaperInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married Males19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyThree Concepts of PsychodynamicHonest Iagos Truth through DeceptionResearch Process Part OneHip-Hop is ArtAnalysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementThe Hockey GameThe Fifth Horseman

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Review of Accounting Ethics Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Review of Accounting Ethics - Research Paper Example Current Business and Regulatory Environment-Conducive to Ethical Behavior In light of the continuing and current scandal related business environment people working in the corporate environment tend to indulge into unethical business practices. However, it is to be determined that the ethics whether qualitative or quantitative in nature have undergone a rise or decline in the conduct of the business of the respective organization. In reality the tension between the quantitative and the qualitative ethics are resulting in the increasing tensions and conflicting needs of the company. The company bears the responsibility of providing timely information to the shareholders that is relevant and easily understood by the shareholders of the company whereas the responsibility of the accountant of the company is with meeting assigned ethical duty. But mostly there lies a clash between the ethics and the economical status of the country in which the company is operating and unfortunately econo mies of the country turn the winner, making the regulatory environment conducive to the ethical behavior (Kushniroff, 2011, p.103). The Organization SNC-Lavalin is one of the largest construction and engineering company in Canada at Montreal. The company has come up with new inventions and innovations in the field of core engineering business so as to encourage the new activities and skill to meet the ever changing requirements of the markets and the clients. The company concentrates on reaching the sustainable growth in areas like world class products. The company also places the importance of ethics and quality of the product thus manufactured by the company for the achievement of the ongoing improvement of the company. Thus the company pays great importance to the achievement of the financial objective of the company in accordance with the code of ethics of the company. The Accounting Ethical Breach A complex ethical breach resulted in the accounting failure of the company. This was identified from a certain number of the executives of the company leading to the misallocation of the costs of the company in relation to payments to agents valuing a total sum of $ 56 million. The rationale behind this was irrespective the CFO of the company refusing to sign the transaction it was readily passed by the head of the company. Though the company accepted that weakness persisted in its internal controlling over the financial reporting of the company which occurred due to the management failing to comply with the code of ethics and policies on commercial agents; yet it was too late (Lemer, 2012). The impact on the organization related to ethical breach The breach in the accounting of the company resulted in the chief executive of the company resigning after the internal investigation taking place. The reason behind the resignation of the chief executive of the company was due to false payment to third party agents against the company’s code of ethics. The inte rvention of the media made the matter more gruesome leading to project the actual news being blown out of proportion. Detection of Organizational Ethical Issue As per the report of SNC it was found that Mr. Duhaime the chief executi